# # English # # User-friendly names to system folders inbox_extended = Inbox sent_extended = Sent items trash_extended = Trash # Navigation texts previous_text = Previous next_text = Next # Mail Server Errors error_connect = Error connecting to the server error_retrieving = Error getting your messages, your Inbox has changed error_other = System failure, please contact your network administrator # Invalid name of mailbox error_invalid_name = Invalid folder name - Use only the following characters A-Z, 0-9, - and space # Validations when sending mails error_no_recipients = Error: You must have at least one recipient! error_compose_invalid_mail1_s = Error: This e-mail address seems to be invalid error_compose_invalid_mail1_p = Error: This e-mail addresses seem to be invalid error_compose_invalid_mail2_s = Check the e-mail address before resending this email. error_compose_invalid_mail2_p = Check your addresses before resending this email. # Confirmation of delete confirm_delete = Do you really want to delete this message(s)? # If the message no have a subject or sender no_subject_text = [No subject] no_sender_text = [Sender unknown] no_recipient_text = [Recipient unknown] # If the quota limit was exceeded quota_exceeded = Not enough space in your inbox to complete this action\Please delete some messages to continue quota_usage_info = Quota limit quota_usage_used = Used quota_usage_of = of quota_usage_avail = available #********************************************************# # Date Format # # %d = day, %m = month, %y = year, %H = hour, %M = minutes # # for a complete list, see http://www.php.net/strftime # #********************************************************# date_format = %d/%m/%y %H:%M # CharSet default_char_set = iso-8859-1 # Menu messages_mnu = Inbox read_menu = Read E-Mail(s) compose_mnu = Write E-Mail refresh_mnu = Refresh folders_mnu = Folders search_mnu = Search address_mnu = Address book empty_trash_mnu = Empty trash prefs_mnu = Preferences logoff_mnu = Log out # Reply reply_prefix = Re: forward_prefix = Fw: reply_delimiter = --------- Original Message -------- reply_from_hea = From: reply_to_hea = To: reply_cc_hea = Cc: reply_date_hea = Date: reply_subject_hea = Subject: # done # page-specific vars [Headers] key_hea = Key value_hea = Value [Folders] fld_name_hea = Folder fld_messages_hea = Messages fld_size_hea = Size fld_empty_hea = Empty fld_delete_hea = Delete fld_total = Total: fld_make_new = Create new folder folders_to = Folders to [MessageList] messages_to = Messages to no_messages = No new messages in your delete_selected_mnu = Delete selected move_selected_to_trash_mnu = Move selected to Trash move_selected_mnu = Move selected to delete_mnu = Delete move_mnu = Move to subject_hea = Subject from_hea = From to_hea = To date_hea = Date size_hea = Size msg_you_have = You have msg_message = message msg_messages = messages msg_more_unread = unread msg_one_unread = unread msg_none_unread = none read msg_in_the_folder = in the folder [Login] lgn_title = Login lgn_welcome_msg = Welcome, please login into your account lng_user_email = E-mail lng_user_name = Username lng_user_pwd = Password lng_server = Server lng_theme = Theme lng_language = Language lng_login_btn = Login >> [Newmessage] to_hea = To: cc_hea = Cc: bcc_hea = Bcc: subject_hea = Subject: address_tip = From address book attach_hea = Attachment: attch_add_new = Attach new file attch_name_hea = Name attch_size = Size attch_type_hea = Type attch_dele_hea = Delete attch_no_hea = No attachments add_signature = Add signature send_text = Send result_error = It was not possible to send this e-mail result_success = This e-mail has been sent nav_continue = Continue nav_back = Back up_title = Add file up_information_text = Select file up_button_text = Send priority_text = Priority priority_low = Low priority_normal = Normal priority_high = High [AdvancedEditor] adv_warning_text_mode1 = Please uncheck an option adv_warning_text_mode2 = to use the toolbar adv_type_path = Write the URL: format_paragraph = Paragraph format_h1 = Style 1

format_h2 = Style 2

format_h3 = Style 3

format_h4 = Style 4

format_h5 = Style 5

format_h6 = Style 6
format_pre = Formatted
format_clear_all				= Clear all

format_font						= Font
format_size						= Size

format_color					= Colour
format_back						= Background
color_red						= Red
color_blue						= Blue
color_green						= Green
color_black						= Black
color_yellow					= Yellow
color_white						= White

view_source						= View HTML source
text_mode						= Text mode
clear_format					= Clear format

priority_text					= Priority

bdl_title						= Login error 
bdl_msg							= You cannot login with the username and password entered.

Please check your username and password and try again. bdl_back = Back [Error] err_title = There were errors err_msg = There were errors in the process

Please login again err_system_msg = System message: err_exit = Logout [Preferences] prf_title = Preferences prf_general_title = General information prf_name = Name prf_reply_to = Reply to prf_time_zone = Time zone prf_trash_title = Trash prf_save_to_trash = When you delete a message, move it to prf_save_only_read = Save only read messages in the prf_empty_on_exit = Empty trash folder when you logout prf_sent_title = Sent items prf_save_sent = Save sent messages in the prf_messages_title = Messages prf_page_limit = Maximum number of messages per page prf_signature_title = Signature prf_signature = Write your signature prf_auto_add_sign = Add your signature to all the outgoing messages prf_save_button = Save prf_display_images = Show attached images prf_default_editor_mode = Default edit mode prf_default_editor_mode_text = "Plain text" prf_default_editor_mode_html = "Advanced HTML editor (Only for IE5 or higher)" prf_time_to_refesh = Automatically check for new mail (minutes) prf_changepass_title = Change Password prf_old_password = Old password prf_new_password = New password prf_new1_password = Verify new password prf_change_password = Change password prf_errormsg = New password failed check [Catch] ctc_title = Add to address book ctc_information = Only shows e-mails that are in the address book ctc_name = Name ctc_email = E-mail ctc_no_address = No address available ctc_close = Close ctc_save = Save [Readmsg] next_mnu = Next previous_mnu = Previous back_mnu = Back reply_mnu = Reply reply_all_mnu = Reply to all forward_mnu = Forward headers_mnu = Header move_mnu = Move to move_to_trash_mnu = Move to Trash delete_mnu = Delete print_mnu = Print from_hea = From: to_hea = To: cc_hea = Cc: date_hea = Date: subject_hea = Subject: attach_hea = Attachment: attch_name_hea = Name attch_force_hea = Download attch_type_hea = Type attch_size_hea = Size catch_address = Add to address book [Search] sch_information_text = Write a phrase or a word that you are looking for.
Only read messages will be searched. sch_button_text = Search >> sch_subject_hea = Subject sch_from_hea = From sch_date_hea = Date sch_body_hea = Message Body sch_folder_hea = Folder sch_no_results = No messages matching your criteria have been found [QuickAddress] qad_title = Address book qad_select_address = Select a contact qad_to = To qad_cc = Cc qad_bcc = Bcc [AddressBook] # edit/display adr_title = Address book adr_name = Name adr_email = E-mail adr_street = Street adr_city = City adr_state = State adr_work = Work adr_back = Back adr_save = Save # list adr_name_hea = Name adr_email_hea = E-mail adr_edit_hea = Edit adr_expo_hea = Export adr_dele_hea = Delete adr_new_entry = New contact addr_saved = The contact has been saved addr_added = The contact has been added addr_deleted = The contact has been deleted